Read this.
At some point you have to stop talking about who you are and what you’re going to do, and you have to actually go do it. This is where small (and nonexistent) marketing teams start to get overwhelmed.
Not necessarily because they don’t have the skills to do the tasks, but because completing them would require flirting with burnout, and doing them well would require resources they don’t have.
What then?
Well, the natural response is to cut corners. But for some reason, we’d rather cut corners on the narrative and strategy side of things than give up on any aspect of the execution process.
We’ll settle for content that’s off-brand as long as we don’t have to go entirely dark on a few of our social channels. Or we’ll rush through a cold email campaign to get it up and running without thinking through who we’re talking to.
Getting things done isn’t synonymous with doing things right. So, how will you navigate the tradeoffs that inevitably come with lean teams, squeezed budgets, and tight timelines?
You could learn it the hard way.
Or you could bring someone in who’s done it before.
Someone who wants to move as fast as you do, but has learned a lesson or two about cutting corners already. Someone who can hold you accountable to the narrative and strategies you’ve worked so hard to create.
That person doesn’t have to be me.
But I could be.
If you wanted me to be.

most people can finish tasks, only some see results.
Businesses that can’t execute…
Feel limited by the resources they do have.
Reassure themselves that things will get better soon.
Have all the best intentions, but need to revisit internal processes.
Don’t leverage cross-functional support.
Wish someone would take a task or two off of their plate.
High-intent, high-potential prospects make all the difference, and luckily, we know where to find them and how to keep them engaged.
Your offers can’t just be clickable, they have to be compelling.
Edit. Iterate. Simplify. Optimize. Streamline. (That’s it, that’s the process)
Long form, social content, SEO content, ghost writing, website copy… You name it, we can make it happen.
Let’s make your brand ultra-visible, but for the right people.